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The NDN-ized Dog

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former member default image - bird flying away

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A group of hunters stop at a kennel looking for a bird dog. The owner boasts, "Eeyyep, this one here will get you those ducks in no time, brother!" Bo, the lead hunter smiles as he pets the English Pointer. "Oh, I'm sho he will!" he says, before paying he owner and loading the dog into his pick-up. The caravan of F-350's roar off down the highway to their hunting fields. After shooting in all directions at bullet-dodging ducks, Bo looses the dog. "Go git 'em!" The pointer runs a few yards before stopping. He turns around, sits and looks at the hunters with a clueless look on his face. "Now what in the sam-hell is this?!" says Bo. His buddies laugh and cuss out the dog. But, as they go back to their trucks, an old Indian guy happens by and says, "Hey, what's the matter, boys?" The hunters explain their situation to ol' Harold. "Hmm, give the dog to me. I'll have him fixed up for you. You pay me later!" The hunters shrug, saying, "Why not?!" "Come back by the end of the week." Harold says. As soon as he gets home, he looses the dog and lets him roam about the rez. A few days later, the hunters drive into the rez with high hopes. O'l Harold greets them with Boloney, the English Pointer's new name. Bo is so anxious to go hunting that he pays Harold $300 and loads Boloney into the truck. Once again, the proud, white hunters let the gravel fly. Back on the fields, after shooting all over creation, the juiced-up hunters wait for the pointer to go to work. "Go git 'em, Boloney!" Bo hollers. The dog runs out and again stops suddenly. "This should be good, boys!" says Bo. Boloney looks back at the hunters, then points northeast with his lips.

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